operating in the labour market, but it sets the scene of
action in the market of the product. I elaborated this
theory in my "Maturity and Stagnation" although I was
concerned there with the adaptation of distribution to
a low rate of accumulation ( the situation of the 193o's )
while Marx, the image of early capitalism before him
( although this was in fact already past ) was
thinking of the effects of a high rate of accumulation.
I discussed a mechanism ( largely impeded or put out of action
in a world dominated by oligopoly ) by which profit maijin
or mark-up would be adjusted in the long run to the rate of
growth of capital. The decisive mechanism would be here
competition of capitalists in the market of the products.
The shift of the distribution arguments from the labour
market to the market of product is of a more general significance
as has already been mentioned at the start of this paper.
It is connected with the fact that in a modern industrial
economy real wages are not as directly controlled by
money wages as the classics and with them also Marx were
want to assume.
Twe-Speeifie-Features-ef-Teehnieal Progress
Technical progress, according to Marx, is linked inseparably
to two characteristic features: The increase in capital
in relation to labour, and the concentration of capital.
It is a well known fact that technical progress in industrial
capitalism always involves "mechanisation" in the sense
that more and more machines, toils, structures etc are
needed for each worker. For example, more and more looms
have been tended by each weaver, and the looms became