this was itself largely the result of technical progress
in agriculture ( which preceded the industrial revolution
in England in the 18th century and was based on earlier
innovations in Holland )and in industry itself where it
produced a virtual increase in manpower.
This technical advance can be regarded as having taken place
as a result of the action ofcapital" in a wider sense
(no doubt that is how we have to interpret it in the case
of agriculture(: Emergence of a scientific and experimental
spirit, a new work ethos, a new type of landowners, broader
markets etc. But in the case of industry Marx had in mind
a much more direct interpretation which links technical
progress directly to the labour market through the effect
of its greater or lesser tightness on the wages: Higher
wages, brought about by a tightening of the labour market
are supposed by Marx to indusce or enforce the introduction of
lahour saving methods ( machines ) .
The logic of the argument is not compelling in so far as
it is based on the idea of substitution of labour by machines;
this aRGUment neglects that the higher wages will affect the
price of the machines as well. One might, however, interpret
itas follows: The increase in money wages, provided it is
not shifted on to prices, will involve a fall in profit rates
and this might stimulate or impell the enterpreneur to
search for more efficient methods of production
(not necessarily more capital using ones ).
That the increase in money eages would involve also an increase
in real wages might be justified by the assumption that the
product is sold largely in markets where it has to compete