order to compare the ratio of proceeds to prime cost for various
years ( note that Kalecki avoids the use of price or unit costs
in this context in view of the vagueness of such concepts in the
case of macroeconomic data ).He does not worry about aggregation
because the Census has done that by adding up the data for the
individual firms. Nor does he have to worry about feedbacks
because he can plausibly assume that these adjustments have As
already been carried out in reality when the data were
collected.In my view the equation is a macroeconomic identity in
the same way as the investment-saving identity. What gives it
meaning is the theory that tne manufacturer controls the mark
up,that he is a price setter, not a price taker. The equation then
tells you that the share of wages is a decreasing function of the
mark up, given j the ratio of materials to wages. But there is a
difficulty: j is in fact dependent on the mark up in basic
industries which produce the material input of many other
industries. This is clearly recognised by Kalecki ( see Theory of
Economic Dynamics p.29 ). In fact, it seems to me that this is
pretty much the same difficulty as Steedmantys feedback so that
this is not such a new discovery. There is little harm in this
difficulty as long as some mark ups increase and none decrease
because then the increase in j will decrease the share of wages
further which will thus be a decreasing function of the mark up.If
however, some mark ups increase and some decrease the result will
be uncertain. We shall then have to look at the various industries
in detail on the basis of the same Census material.
Before we go on I have to refer to a detail which for me is not
easy to understand. While discussing the share of wages Steedmarity 13b
suddenly switches to the real wage, states that the two could move