doubt very much whether input-output techniques will be very
suitable for this purpose.
Let me now turn to a separate issue raised by Steedman^, the role
of fixed capital, and the long run. He blames Kalecki for not
taking into account depreciation, although he apparently
recognises what a problematic concept that is ( I remember a
lecture by Leontiew in which he said that depreciation is a
concept used by the tax administration, it is not an economic
concept at all ). But in so far as the business man takes into
account depreciation he must do so before he invests, afterwards
it is too late: It will depend on the market whether he will cover
it. This considerable difference between fixed capital and other
inputs is not appreciated by SteedmanX- But he is perfectly right
in thinking that there is reason for going beyond Kalecki in
connection with overheads and with the long run, - perhaps we
should better say in connection with structural changes which are
usually slow but which can also occur quickly as in the case of
the oil shock. I give two examples.
Overheads have apparently increased substantially in the post war
decades (see the material given in Cowlings Monopoly Capitalism )
and the mark up has increased correspondingly. One might argue, of
course, in the spirit of Baran-Sweezy, that the monopoly power had
increased but the large concerns have used the potential surplus
in order to spend on research, on sales cost etc with the aim of
discouraging potential new entrants. I think, however, that we
recognise thatthe mark up contains a basic element
determined by the hnjount of overheads which have to be covered if
the business is to survive for more than a short time.