example: It is recognised, I think, that in consequence of the oil
shock the profits of the oil using industries would have increased
enormously if the mark up had been unchanged.^It is therefore
necessary to recognise that the mark up which we usually assume to
be constant in the short run will not be constant in face of
strong structural changes. This certainly complicates matters in
so far as we have to be careful in interpreting the ratio of
proceeds to prime cost when long term or also sudden structural
changes come into play. I have suggested that in those cases the
break even point may be a better indicator of monopoly or market
power ( Steindl 1990 ). ^ _.—.—
In a number of cases I see no reason to contradict Steedman^. He
is right on vertical integration (which Kalecki never used in the
context of mark up pricing ). There is no reason to quarrel with
him about his general statements on the interrelations of
industries. He is also right when he blames dynamic economists for
having to say so little about the time lags which play of course
an essential role in economic dynamics. The trouble is of course
that there are no data, but it may well be argued that the supply
of data depends also on the interest in them shown by economists -
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as in the case of the national accounts. In so far as Steedmanjfis <
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argument is a teaser one could of course up a counter teaser
such as: When SteedmanVi is faced with a certain empirically given
industrial structure how does he know whether it is in equilibrium
or whether owing to not yet obtained adjustment there is a
1 - I r~\
potential for change in it, and how much?
Moreover, I also agree with him very much when he deplores that
the followers of Kalecki have not done more to develop his theory,
to follow up the great stimulus he has given. But I would not