In this way the essentials of Kalecki's trade cycle theory
would remain as they are, with the dominant role of investment
in fixed capital being preserved, but there would be an
additional element in the direct effect of investment in
stimulating other investment by the stimulation of dieer imitation.
The first start of the upswing may well come from inventory
accumulation, but that would hardly be an essential change of
the theory.
A crude pattern leading to similar results would be this:
Big innovations would be planned and also exg«?uted independently
of the trade cycle, while the diffusion of the new methods or
products would be strongly influenced by the short run
situation, it would ths-ii play the role assigned to fixed
investment in the trade cycle.
A more general view would be that the cycle consists txxxpaxk:^
of a clustering of investments which in part have been deci ded
upon independently of the business cycle