Full text: Capital Gains, Pension Funds and

disposable income ( FF,NIPA). 
Footnotes to Table 5. 
Sources: OECD Financial Accounts;National Income and 
Product Accounts; Statistical Abstract of the U.S. 
Line l:Net gains from sale of assets in personal sector 
Line 2:Discrepancy between savings estimates of NIPA and FF 
Line 3:Increase in households claims on Pension Funds and 
Life Insurance Co Policy Reserves (FF). 
Line 4:Employers contributions to pension funds and profit 
sharing (NIPA) 
Line 5:Investment income of pension funds and life 
insurance co.( interest imputed to 
households (NIPA) 
Line 6: Benefits paid by life insurance cos to policy 
holders and pensions paid by pension 
funds (Statistical Abstract,IRS) 
Line 7:Increase in households liabilities in p.c.of 
increase in households assets (FF). 
Line 8:Increase in households liabilities in p.c. of

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