Notes on Social Science Policy
The Backwardness of Social Science
There is a general feeling that the development of knowledge
has proceeded unevenly in different fields: quickest in re
lation to '’dead" nature, much slower in relation to living
nature, and very slow indeed in relation to man and society.
This is the basic contrast of science (in the following
always used for "natural science") and the social sciences.
The development of techniques has been correspondly uneven:
We have gone a long way in the "conquest" or "mastery" of
nature, but we have not bothered about mastery over the forces
which grow in society, in man and between men. This is pro
bably a hang over from the original situation of man: His
helplessness in face of a threatening nature. The struggle
against nature corresponds to old drives - to ensure survival
and protection against enemies, and to procreate and spread the
species over the globe. In the service of these drives, com
parable to primeval deities, we have created the machine and
with it industrial captalism; on the machine is built, by
necessity, a hierarchical organisation of growing complexity,
uncontrollable dynamics, non-transparence, irrationality, which
has created its own aims and subjected the human lives to them.