Since Kalecki wrote his famous classic on the politics of full
employment (Kalecki 1943) nearly half a century has passed and the
experience of history accumulated since invites us to use his
methods and his questions on it. His paper predicted a stop-go
cycle; more generally it analysed the attitudes of business to
full employment policies. To generalise even more we might discuss
the role of politics in this field.
It seems striking to day that among the reasons Kalecki gives for
the capitalists' dislike of full employment policies he does not
mention their fear that deficit spending sooner or later would
lead to increased taxation. And taxation, indeed, is a bugbear of
capitalists. Looking at the post-war history of full employment
policies in the United States one feels that this fear has played
a very large role.Again, in Europe when the welfare spending
continued to rise as a percentage of GDP this also led to a
preoccupation with the question of taxes.The importance of the
question of the public debt and its service is of quite a
different order of magnitude now than it was in Kalecki's
thinking. The reason for the difference is fairly obvious.
Kalecki,as well as Keynes and his followers, were thinking in
terms of interest rates as low as they were in England during the
second world war, to a great extent owing to the influence of
Keynes at the treasury. The reaction against the cheap credit
began soon after the end of the war (some economists in U.S.
talked of the "rediscovery of money") and reached its climax in
the era of monetarism from 1979 on. When Kalecki considered the
possibility,or even likelyhood, of a permanent deficit being
*Acknowledgements are made to Alois Guger and Ewald Walterskirchen
for valuable suggestions.