of order by means of priorities must be introduced - and this
degree of understanding will probably presuppose that they have
some say in the establishment of the priorities.
Third, The methods of control (licensing of building, raw material
controls etc) will be facilitated to the extent to which the
private sector will depend on the large public concerns either for
its market (distribution) or for raw materials, for transport,
supply of energy etc. The continued existence of a large public
sector is therefore important for the functioning of the controls.
Of course, the methods of control are not all restrictive: One has
to think only of the re-training of labour etc.
These brief hints, naturally, beget more problems than they solve.
It would be presumptuous, however, to pretend that the problems of
macroeconomic control in reforming socialist countries can be
solved on paper. The development in these countries will proceed,
like all learning, by trial and error.
Balogh,T.(1973) Fact and Fancy in International Economic
Relations. Oxford,Pergamon Press.
Bhaduri,A.and Steindl,J.(1985) The Rise of Monetarism as
a Social Doctrine,in Post Keynesian Economic Theory
by Philip Arestis and Thanos Skouras.Wheatsheaf
Kalecki,M.(1943) Political Aspects of Full
Employment.Political Quarterly. Reprinted in
Selected Essays on the Dynamics of the
Capitalist Economy. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge 1971.