The growth rate of socialist countries which originally had been
very high gradually declined in the course of time and gave place
to what is practically a stagnation. Professor Sylos Labini has
something to tell us about the reasons for this change ( Sylos
Labini 1986 Chapter 10 and 11 ): He argues that the tasks of
building up a heavy industry and a certain basic infrastructure
could be tackled without too great difficulties by a heavily
centralised system because it did not involve very much
innovation. Also, one might add, the best brains and the best
skills were drawn into the armament sector which for security
reasons was rather isolated from the rest of the economy;
therefore the civilian sector was drained of skill and got no
spin-off from the advanced military sector. Once the basic
industry was built up further progress became much more
complicated; The crux of the overcentralised burocratic system, as
Sylos Labini argues, is that it is ill suited to innovation and to
adjusting itself to changing conditions. It is static,not dynamic.
This,Sylos Labini says,and not the difficulty of solving a very
large system of equations (as Barone and Hayek thought) is the
Achilles heel of the centralised system (Sylos Labini 1986,Chapt
11 p.106 ). The aim of the reformers, in full agreement with this
view, is to introduce more flexibility into the system, to
liberate the potential of initiative and spontaneity and to
establish better communication all round. This requires a good
deal of deconcentration of decisions and responsibilities. It will
not only change the organisation of the state concerns but it will
also in practice lead to the establishmentof a private sector of
small enterprises in agriculture, industry and services and with
it to the emergence of independent incomes - we may well call them
profits - which are determined by the formation of prices in the