their western collegues. Even more relevant in this context is the
fact that there exists actually no adequate theoretical basis for
the reform policy. There is no answer to the question how
government economic policy or planning and direction on the one
hand and decentralisation, individual initiative, spontaneity and
judgement on the other are to be combined, reconciled and made
compatible so as to lead to an equilibrated and workable system.
In a microeconomic form this problem is at least partly reflected
in the "critical question how much decision powers are to be
attributed to the enterprises" ( a question raised but not
answered in the resolution of the Chinese Communist Party in
October 1984, quoted from Sylos Labini 1986 p.116). Since there
exists no guidance in this respect the reform is likely to be
either so timid that it will not ignite the initial spark or, if
it has done so, it will tend, in the fervour of success, to
discard all controls.
The reform in those countries will therefore probably have the
consequence that they loose control over both investment and
consumption,having no means of effective control over either
labour market or prices nor over the global volume of investment.
As a result they have no means of restraining the boom when it
threatens to get out of hand as it surely will once the decontrol
has succeeded in creating an optimistic atmosphere with
proliferation of small enterprises, rising real wages and an
accelerating process of accumulation. The system will bump against
the ceiling,prices will overtake wages and a profit inflation will
emerge. This result will be the more likely in countries which
still have a large share of agriculture as in China. It is however
generally to be expected in socialist countries owing to a bias
towards expansion and growth,and perhaps also because they lack