rentiers will spend a part of their income which will absorb
resources. That implies that this type of finance will sooner or
later lead to full employment where we come back to the original
model because room has to be made in the national budget reckoning
for the consumption of the new rentiers and that will happen by
appropriate taxes or a reduction of spending. In the intermediate
period there will also be an increase in rentiers'share of income
and consumption, although less drastic than in the above tax model
because the interest will be an additional income and not as
before a replacement of other incomes.
r 3.Another source of effective demand is foreign investment (an V
\ T
export surplus) which is a very good way of creating demand
! ■ / \
especially in manufacturing.But the foreign assets acquired in
consequence ordinarily yield a return of interest,dividends or
profits, a rentiers income again. The case offers thus to some /
extent a parallel to the deficit spending.Here also we can see
S / j
that in the course of time a whole class of rentiers tends to
/ \
arise ( think of late Victorian or Edwardian England ) accounting
I jr
for a growing portion of the national income and depressing the
\ /
propensity to consume of the nation as a whole. To prevent the
unlimited accumulation of interest income the country would have
to operate an import surplus which would again imply a negative
\ effect on demand.
Of course, from the ordinary business man's point of view there is
a world of difference between the two cases: Here, there are no
taxes and budgetary problems involved, there is an investment
which pays for itself, and the country as a whole is getting
accountably richer. It is a case of sound business principles, but
the ultimate logic of a country with an inveterate structural
surplus is to buy up the whole rest of the world and earn the