innovative than others for reasons of internal organisation.
The big concerns have often a monopoly (or oligopoly 4 )
position which-reduces' their interest in technical progress.
More important probably, *|hey tend to be overconfident as
a result of a successful past, and to become rigid due to
traditions and routine which again is / stered by a history
of success,
I think this factor is more important than other more con
ventional diseconomies. In this book I played down dis
economies too much, and this was an error. In principle it
must be recognized that the growth of the firm leads to
serious inconvenience. The mere geographical size of the
market increases, and with it cost of transport to the
customer. The plant itself covers more space, therefore
there is more internal transport, Much more important,
with the increase Afe.the number of people cooperating
the difficulties of communication between them increase
disproportionately.'® This leads to increasingly diversified
hierarchical structures de
and to loss in efficiency.
hierarchical structures designed to save comunication Miaes
The computer is a
help in improving communication, and
H.A. Simon, Decision Making and Operational Design.
J.G. March and H.A. Simon, The Dysfunction of Bureaucracy
_in I Organisation Theory. Ed. Pugh, Penguin Books 1971.