The great disarray.
Surprising as the preceding prosperity had appeared
the change of events in the 1970s was even less expected
and caused a great deal of disorientation among the
forecasters. As I said already I do not think that my
original maturity explanation of the previous stagnation
could at all be applied directly to the new development.
The reasons can be seen from what I have just been saying
about the conditions of the labour market and about
international competition, both of which woudl make it
unlikely that oligopolies should have been able to
increase their " mark-up" in the period of high employment
( the situation was different in the later period of
unemployment especially in the crisis of the 80s ) .
There is.however an alternative version^ of my stagnation
theory which is also mentioned in my book. It says that
oligopolistic concerns, knowing as they do that excess
capacity in their market is very difficult to remove
and constitutes a major embarassment, will be much more
reluctant to expand capacity than firms under competitive
conditions. This conskferation would still apply in
post-war conditions , when considerable concentration of
industry has been going on, even though, as already said,
the oligopolistic claustrophibia was somewhat lessend
by the possibility to extend production by direct investment
in other countries.