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Growth and Stagnation
The experience of the years between the wars has led me
to interest myself in the explanation of longterm developments
like the stagnation of the 30s and later the post-war
developments. After the classics the long term problems
of history have been neglected by economists except Marx
and Schumpeter. Marx asked very good questions, but his
answers were not always so good. He posed the problem of
inner contradictions of the capitalist system which would
tend to make it more and more unworkable. Such inner
contradictions can be found in the underconsumption idea.
Unfortunately Marx failed to exploit this idea fully
and instead followed-the hopeless trail of the increasing
organic composition of capital. But it is remarkable that
Marx introduced concepts which in one form or another
play an important part in Kalecki's macro-economics:
The department schema and the distinction between surplus
value produced and surplus value realised.
For the further development of thought it was extremely important
that Rosa Luxemburg and Rudolf Hilferding recognised the
emergence of a new phase of capitalism, monopoly capitalism,
linked to imperialism. What was still neededrwas the
development of the theory of effective demand by Kalecki i
and Keynes*' in order to make the old undijeconsumption idea^
finto a cohherent theory^
In my approach to the problem of the great depression
written in the late 40s I proceeded on two different planes:
I looked for the explanation in the "real" sphere of
production and labor, and at the same time in the financial
sphere (debt). I think both are important.