of the person concerned, the tine curve during the life
"being called the carrier. The carrier will, of course,
depend to some extent on the education, so that we have
a link with the element from which we started.
Can we assume that the hierarchy of grades evolves on
known patterns leading to skew distributions?
Such a pattern would result from a general consideration
of the growing complication of society. As a result of
scientific and technological developments the amount of
information which must he held in store ready for use
increases steadily. This leads to specialisation: Here
or there a specialist splits off from a qualification
because the information cannot he managed any more, it
has to be divided. The specialist usually will represent
a higher grade than the qualification from which/,split*
off. If specialists are generated as in a birth process,
each grade bringing forth new specialists one grade
higher in proportion to the parent population of each
grade then we should obtain the logarithmic growth
characteristic of the diffusion processes in economics.
In addition we require as a second assumption that
growing pyrasUa-ds (or hierarchies) of the type described
\ \
exist at different ages - in different stages of develop
ment - one beside the other at the same time; and further,
that this age is exponentially distributed.