Full text: Konvolut Wealth and Income Distribution 2

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of advance to the next higher level, we get the special version 
of Champernowne's model described at the beginning of this 
paper: There are again two geometric distributions, from which 
the result is obtained by elimination of L, which stands here 
in place of time. 
This, in fact, leads to criticism of Simon's explanation. Zt is, 
on the face of it, timeless, it does not show how the pattern 
arises from a stochastic process in tins. 
One does not have to go very far however, in order to see the 
dynamic implications of the matter. A certain span of control 
implies that the managers of a given level have a limited chance 
of advancing to the next level. To the span of control corres 
ponds a certain transition probability. It might be argued that 
the transition probabilities only reflect the given structure 
of the organisation. This, however, has Itself arisen as a result 
of an evolution (including trial and error) and it is changing 
continously albeit slowly. Thus the chances of advancement in the 
individual's life oarreer determine the structuret It 
of the occupants of a certain level expect to move m levels in 
s life-time then there must be n times as many occupants on the 
lower level than on the higher (compare for these topics Bartholo- 
new /4/. 
To be precise we have also to take account of movements into and 
out of management from other occupation: (for example, politics).

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