Full text: Konvolut Wealth and Income Distribution 2

In reality, profits in excess of 1oo % may exist. In 
the case where k <1 we can,however, always ensure/ 
that the conditions are met and (4) remains applicable: 
As before, we rotate the diagonal round a point until 
it is parallel to the regression line (see fig 
and along that line the distribution is truncated. If 
we choose the point appropriately, we can reduce the 
number of incomes truncated. In algebraic terms, we 
define => W-W 0 , and we write (4) ±js the following 
q 00 
j* (kW' + *W 0 -Y)/e"^ dW ' = 
- I <f C|) exp- I (Y^W b ) 
kW’ > (TW b ) 
The resulting income distribution differs only by a 
constant factor from (4). Since the transformation (5), 
however, is only applicable to wealth not smaller than 
W Q , it can be intuitively seen that the income distrib 
ution will start only at the level Y =» W Q to confirm to 
the Pareto Law. In other words, the Pareto law will 
always be projected from wealth on to income, but de- 
on the shape of the regression line, the income 
distribution will confirm to linearity only from a more

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