&r-drgss--hi^j^-d^v^l---Qf -4noome. In the lower part of the
income distribution, the distribution of the profit rate
will play a role.
It could be justly said, of course, that the regression
itself calls for an explanation. This can only be given on
the plane of "stage four" (see above p. ..) by a stochastic
process in several variables.
The income of property owners.
Some empirical data will illustrate the above theory.
While this theory deals with property income, the data
below rather refer to income of property owners, which
in part is earned income. It is not easy to separate
the earned and unearned income. ' Nor are the two parts
independent, so that a convolution of two separately
derived distributions would not be appropriate.
In the following, incomes of property owners will be
treated as a whole. The distribution of the "profit rate",
'Attempts to separate them such as in / 1 / are un
convincing. In this study, compensation for risk is
included in earned income but by its nature it is
obviously related to capital.