Full text: Konvolut Wealth and Income Distribution 2

/1/ Atkinson, A.B. (ed) The Personal Distribution of Incomes, 
“ 1976 9 
/2/ Atkinson, A.B. Unequal Shares-Incomes in Allon Land, 1972 
/3/ Atkinson, A.B. (ed) Wealth, Income and Inequality. g~gyrr»> 1973 
/4/ Bartholomew, D.J., Stochastic Models for Social Processes, 
New York 1967. 
/5/ Central Bureau voor de Statisti^k, Statistische en econometri- 
sche ^nderzoekingen,^^nkomens ongelij^kheid, No 3, 19655 
/6/ Central Bureau voor de Statisti^k, Inkomensverdeling 1962 
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/7/ Champernowne, A Model of Income Distribution. E.J. 1953 
/8/ Champernowne, D.fi. The Distribution of Income Between ...*»'£• A 
/9/ Cox, R.D. Renewal Theory. London 1962 
/10/ Cramer, J.S. Empirical Econometrics, Amsterdam 1969 
/11/ Davis, H.T. The Theory of Econometrics. Bloomington , 1941. 
/12/ Feller, W., An Introduction to Probability Theory and 
its Applications. Vol. I. Third ed. 
Vol.II, Second ed. 
{^13/ Mayer T., The Distribution of Ability and Earnings. 
R.Econ.^ Statistics 1960. 
/14/ Mincer, J., "Investment in Human Capital and Personal 
Distribution of Income" J.Pol.Econ.Vol.66, 1958 
/15/ Roberts, D.R., Executive Compensation. Free Press Glencoe^ 
Illinois 1959. 
o A * 
/16/ Simfn, H.^., The Compensation of Executives. Sociometry 1957.

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