Full text: Konvolut Wealth and Income Distribution 2

■ (JU<- Ce c <- r ~^ e ^ ^ ^ 
t&'/feyb&c*. / c^£t£ £ £< cCtPS^ej ‘ 
or conditional distribution of ineocc v therefor© includes 
earned Incoae boro* 2h© regression of property owners 1 total 
incoae on their wealth con be otudiod on the basis of 
Dutch deto 1 ^ (fig* 5). The regression is linear, and 
oofeiaatifr; the correlation coefficient is O f f, the re 
gression coofficiont is 0#620£0#004 (data for 1902/63)# 
2ho regression coofficiont corresponds to our k# flirt 
k (1 con bo explains the first place be? til© premia* 
fact that with increasing wealth earned income is loos 
and lose important* in the second pi co perhopo by the 
fact that incooo froa shores which dooinotos for tho 
large- wealth does no^ontciu the uniiatribuiof profits# 
Since tho Pareto coefficient for wealth was 1*33 in 1962/63, 
vo should expect it to bo 2*20 for incooo on the basic of 
too theory# In reality 1 o ess 2#0cW A setter coircspoadonco 
is hardly to bo ejected, ofneo the wooltlir-distribution ot 
-disto.'.'teO. by'“tlier'sioei. ei.chongcr boon"— 
<£?£/<) <2<- '-*r6^ C2^t^C-e -iBTicC t~7 'i-i-tfl- L 
^fiCdo LTvU f '***? 
^alC'v.latiojy wibh^wodish/dota &IF&C very un- 
>y/peou£ts # oltht^gh ,*ho rogprfboftm lino is 
boopwOdosbic # by frft© 
coao-4which stop9-etr 
•e4 ohorgs ■■■■i-scx > ocsee strongly with the

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