; Th^. growing strains on the U.S. banking system
Loans grow faster
than deposits...
Loans aspercawt^
of total ^
~~ ''New YorkCHy ;
money center bonks
Ls . £ •; -
i -. 1.
1967 1970 1973 6/30
A Percent 1974
Data: Investors Mananpmont <?ri«nr.fis. BW est.
It. is widely known that* the drying up of the market for
new capital has led corporations to borrow from the na
tion’s banks as,never before. As a result, the banks’prime
lending rate—has soared to record levels.
What is less widely known is that the banks have ex-«
tended themselves to levels far beyond what the invest
ment community had come to regard as normal.
While a few would suggest that the banking system as
a whole is in difficulty, conservative observers both within
and outside the banking community are concerned.
A glance at the critical debt-to-equity ratios of leading
banks indicates how dramatically the situation has
changed since congress amended the Bank Holding Compar
ny Act in 1970; *
Here is a table showing debt ratios—theratiofrof sjmrt-
and long-term debt to invested equitv^edfital—whence
banks began setting up holding competmes—some in antub^
pation of a liberalized holding company act—and the ratiok
for the banks’ holding companie/at the end of 1973. \
Union Bank of California
First Pennsylvania Banking and Trust/Co 13.3 to 1
First National Bank of Chicago ..../ 10.2 to 1
Wells Fargo Bank . { 14.3 to *
Security Pacific Bank ~
Franklin National Bank
Marine Midland Bank (New York)
Mellon Bank
Bank of America
First National City Bank of New York
Bank Debt
Cd. flati#
. . 15.0 to 1
23.1 to 1
.. 13.3 to 1
20.1 to 1
.. 10.2 to 1
20.5 to 1
. . 14.3 to 1
27.8 to 1
. . 13.9- to 1
223 to i
.. 20.4 to 1
30.9 to 1
. . 15.7 to 1
23-3 to 1
83 to 1
15.7 to 1
19.2 to 1
31.8 to 1
.. 163 to 1
22/1 to 1 ,
i\etc York Tim**^
•Includes federal funds borrowed,
borrowings from Federal Reserve,
and other non-capital borrowings
Banks can sell debt
but not equity
Data: Irving Trust Co., First Boston Corp
The banks are overextended
As loan demand has grown, and been ac
commodated, so has the banks’ reliance
on what is often called "hot money"—e.g.,
federal funds (money borrowed overnight
from other banks; figures here are net of
such funds lent) and large certificates of
deposit ($100,000 or more). The problem
is that such money may not stay put.
Certain short-term borrowings
as proportion of liabilities
1969 70 71 72 73 74