necessary to make a reasonable judgement about how to deal with
the various cases.
The question of property.
It is necessary to deal here with the problem of privatisation.
This is fairly clear cut in the case of small and medium
enterprise which is in the hands of owner-managers. The concepts
of enterpreneurship, personal initiative and risk bearing have a
clear meaning here. In the case of the large corporation, however,
ownership is a rather far stretched concept while the power of the
management is obvious and can be illustrated by the fact that in
practice it can be removed - unless it is guilty of some
misdoings - only by a take-over. The question is then what is
the outstanding difference between a private corporation and a
state owned concern? The answer is that the state concern can
count to a very large extent on the financial support of the
government when it is in difficulties.
It is only apparently paradoxical to state that this is at the
same time the chief virtue and the chief danger of nationalised
industry. It is a tremendous advantage for short term policy where
it enables the government to avoid the disruption of a sudden
closing down of large concerns and the consequent unemployment due
to a possibly temporary crisis. It may become a danger for long
term policy if the government is not equipped with sufficient
industrial monitoring and advice to be aware of the inevitable
necessities of restructuring owing to changes of technology and
other structural changes in the international field. It may then
be led to a policy of conservation of ultimately doomed
structures.The story of Austrian national industries offers a good