In reality, profits in excess of 1oo % any exist. In
the case whore k<^1 ve can,however, always ensure
that the conditions are net and (4) remains applicables
As before, we rotate the diagonal round a point until
it is parallel to the regression line (see fig* 3 or 4),
and along that line the distribution is truncated. If
we choose the point appropriately, we can reduce the
number of incomes truncated. In algebraic terns, we
fiat V 1 •» w-V 0 , and we write (4) in the following
q (X) « cdX J ^*(hl/'+ V 0 ~T) e^dV' .
-|^(|)exp <T*%)J, (3)
1:1/' > ( x+U b )
She resulting incone distributism differs only by a
constant factor from (4). 3inc© the transformation (5),
however, is only applicable to wealth not smaller than
¥' 0 , it can be Intuitively seen that the income distrib
ution will start only at the level X » . o,to confirm to
the Pareto low. In other words, the Bare m will
always be projected from wealth on to incone, but de~
pan< >n the shape of the regression line, the incone
distribution will confirm to linearity only from a more