Full text: Income Distribution: Line of Reasoning (Fassung 2)

M e accept o3 the general pattern of explanati a the interplay of 
the two systems* s grades, and payment for grade differentials* 
the potto a which w n s outlined at the start in connection with 
Chaiiioe nownoa theory. ' J 'Lis duality of ,rades cad differentials 
is preferable to that f demand and supply which is toe static 
and is bound t> lead us astray 7 . 
A n the case of earned income the grad© would bo we 1th, 
mid the different! 1 payments would be the return rates on different 
amounts of wealth. 
The Trade here defends indirectly on tinej in other cases - 
burocaetiw pattern - the grade depends directly on tine (promotion); 
in still other cases, the grade depends on the acquisition of knowledge 
or skill, and therefore ^again on tine. In many cases, however, 
the grades are provided by nautural gifts , as with the filn star, 
the sportsman, and probably also the manager;in all these cases 
learning! does play a very important role,too, but we could hardly 
expect a close correlation between the time of learning and.the grade here 
Rather, it would seem thet there is a natural distributi n of gifts 
( not merely genetically , but also *ha duo to th influence of the 
milieu and childhood influences). This distribution would, most plausibly, 
bo rather skew, and that of the grades would therefore bo al3*> skew. 
Jo might asume that it would be exponential or geometrical ( theoretical 
reasons might be found in Conng e Palm^.t^xkdx G theory ). 
u hilo i the c- se ,f wealth he whole weight of the 
oxplan^ti n was put on the distribution of wealth, which moreover 
had alreddy all the required qualities which needed only to be shown 
t re or-> due e th tiselves in the income distribut : n, the weight of 
the yplan tory procedure in these other cases is shiftc entirely to 
the distributi n of the payment. This is very largely dependent , 
indicrectly, on orocosses of economic development evolving in time. 
The informa?ion space accessible to the owners of hi h grades gets 
larger ad larger, and with it grows the payment received y that grade. 
iTo must now argue from the distribution of payments condistional 
on grade, via the distribution of grades, to the distribution of 
payments among persons. 

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