Full text: Income Distribution

Economics 219 
Professor Josef Steindl 
Spring Quarter, 197*+-75 
American Economic Association: Readings in the Theory of Income Distribution, 
, Readings in the Theory of Income Distirbution, 1951 
G. L. Bach and A. K. Ando, The Redistributional Effect of Inflation, Review of 
Economics and Statistics, February 1957. 
Ball and Doyle (ed), Inflation, Penguin. 
G. S. Becker, Human Capital, New York, Columbia University Press, 196*+. 
Becker and Chiswick, Education and Distribution of Earnings, American Economic 
.Review, May 1966. 
Bronfenbrenner, Income Distribution Theory, Chicago, 1971. 
D. G. Champernowne, The Distribution of Incomes Between Persons»Cambridge 
University Press,1973. 
A Model of Income Distribution, Economic Journal, June 1953. 
J. B. Clark, Distribution of Wealth, 1899. 
J. S. Cramer, Empirical Econometrics, North Holland Publications, 1969. 
Paul Douglas, Theory of Wages, 193*+. 
-M. Dobb, Theories of Value and Distribution from A. Smith, Cambridge University 
Press, 1973. 
Margaret S. Gordon (ed), Poverty in America, San Francisco, Chandler, 1965* 
Bent Hansson, Theory of Inflation. 
H. G. Johnson, The Theory of Income Distribution, London, 1973. 
Hunt and Schwartz, Critique of Economic Theory, Penguin. 
Donald Harris, Post-Mortem on the Neo-Classical "Parable," Memo No. 165, 
Center for Research in Economic Growth, Stanford University, Feb. 197*+. 
N. Kaldor, Essays on Value and Distribution, Duckworth. 
M. Kalecki, Theory of Economic Dynamics, Monthly Review Press. 
»Selected Essays on the Dynamics of the Capitalist Economy, 
p. 33-70, Cambridge University Press, 1972. 
K. Marx, Capital, Vol. I-III. 
J. Marchal and B. Ducros (ed), The Distribution of National Income, NY, 
St. Martins Press, 1968. 
National Bureau of Economic Research, Studies in Income and Wealth. 
W. Mills, The Power Elite, New York, Oxford University Press, 1957. 
-L. L. Pasinetti, Growth and Income Distribution, Cambridge University Press. 
Reder (ed) Six Papers on the Size Distribution of Wealth and Income, NBER, 
Studies in Income and Wealth, No. 33) 1969- 
K. Rothschild, Theory of Wages, Oxford Blackwell, 195*+. 
Ricardo, Principles of Economics. 
W. E. G. Salter, Productivity and Technical Change, Cambridge University Press. 
A. Smith, Wealth of Nations. 
^^Harcourt & Laing, Capital and Growth, Penguin. 
J. Steindl, Maturity and Stagnation in American Capitalism, Monthly Review 
Press, 1975. 
, Random Processes and the Growth of Firms, New York, Hafner, 1965• 
Titmus, Income Distribution and Social Change, Allen and Unwin, London, 1962. 
Sen (ed) Growth Economics, Penguin. 
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