Let us for simplicity distinguish between ordinary
investment y and innovative investment y. The special virtue
of the latter is that it may with a rather long lag
stimulate further innovative investment. The innovative
investment will enter the business cycle equation as a
term on the right hand side:
Ay(t) + By(t-1) + Cy(t-2) = y(t) (1)
The innovative investment is now determined separately
by a random process. It will depend on past innovative
investment with a long lag,and on the growth of the
economy in the interval between the generating and the
generated innovative investment. The generation of new
innovative investment will happen with a certain probability
and the lag will also be randomly distributed. We shall have:
Prob { y(t+9 ) < v *^ t + " - 7 } = (1-e _V ) ( 1-e -0 ) (2)
On the right hand side of equation (1) there will be not
merely a random term but the result of a random process,
which moreover will depend on the past growth of the
economy. In addition we shall also have to allow for
spontanouly arising innovative investment. Finally also
symmetrical shocks as they are usually assumed in the
trade cycle generation have to be assumed.
These brief hints are but a small step in rendering the
idea of a sfmi-autonomous trend more concrete.
According to this idea it makes sense to apply the concepts
of endogenous change, such as savings propensities and
income distribution, the response of investment decisions
to excess capacity, profits etc. even