jp Cj, /4. /uZlsL. té’Xÿ A ¿- uCL^ c r ~^
^tAî 7 £i2'2~f' s£c xzt y(^0 /^t-*~ z-v 'i ^ ^
T/ ^A^~V-*&£e~ .. i&L&C-y 'T^sz'f
• ^2-/'v*>/Ì7XìP ì ' < / ^ <v
y 'ixJ" sSlsu <d '~L4i ZP'O' C l~f iT t-V*
dh~€' / £ jh '(e- £ pt^j^7 , 't^Lx^1 l C<J
* /¿¿X /I-t, ¿Xl C’^~, 3vj
sÿîA&fr Ìo aZ't^u-^L , 0~l- ■"*«* < a2 '*-«-
ÿ \Ji^C~8-€-<^-, -t v v ^ ^xeAd c, c/ c^ sfty&'ÿ
A'T'V-iZQ t A-> fzJi'-^if V A ¿£- /C^.
-/l-T C”-**
4 -
si&esst. A
î^=^ /t^n^if éU.
'âp Aje^Cc.csl'vrt, u^
si£*~<r cï£c^)/Lj?'&Ç > i ÿ~U -y^'K-O'i ''*•? ¿" S i. , TA,< ^/\/l€-'H Cn/x—c^
(Xu &> AtX>^C é^c /^c'/z^^W Syt/e^L /
yCv~ Z&A e if C^C^>" <?-• t- U*~* ,
~rk c fae-^si ^ ¿*¿*1
Aucz^ u U^M- j sou /iz Gzu '&t^TiaJ£~ m-, , ¿c- ^Atjl/- *c<*
iXJf i^Cu <¿¿¿3 st& j ^ /L - «2<f
A> /CAA CAi>u. e. <L t ^
Jrr&l^ Ccj
As a potential threat to
^r iccGOP
employment, the share of /full employment/ profits^ recedes
slightly into the background and the composition and
inequality of personal incomes steps into the foreground.
&v£*c /yyvvt^L
Not only the functional distribution, alog the personal
distribution of incomes becomes relevant for frltffmtitmfi 1 li^iitinif ^
effective demand. T> £-,. ^ ^ jL.' * , y ¡e
AL^ At-i «£-<_- AC'Ce^lu^ -i^e-^yj~ jxnZ ^L y^-«- r w. /*£-*■
‘¿■U/oé'i*— vìAL ! dxTUt &f-