Full text: The Trend of Houshold Savings

jp Cj, /4. /uZlsL. té’Xÿ A ¿- uCL^ c r ~^ 
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si&esst. A 
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'âp Aje^Cc.csl'vrt, u^ 
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~rk c fae-^si ^ ¿*¿*1 
Aucz^ u U^M- j sou /iz Gzu '&t^TiaJ£~ m-, , ¿c- ^Atjl/- *c<* 
iXJf i^Cu <¿¿¿3 st& j ^ /L - «2<f 
A> /CAA CAi>u. e. <L t ^ 
Jrr&l^ Ccj 
As a potential threat to 
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employment, the share of /full employment/ profits^ recedes 
slightly into the background and the composition and 
inequality of personal incomes steps into the foreground. 
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Not only the functional distribution, alog the personal 
distribution of incomes becomes relevant for frltffmtitmfi 1 li^iitinif ^ 
effective demand. T> £-,. ^ ^ jL.' * , y ¡e 
AL^ At-i «£-<_- AC'Ce^lu^ -i^e-^yj~ jxnZ ^L y^-«- r w. /*£-*■ 
‘¿■U/oéC.sj/y'i*— vìAL ! dxTUt &f- 

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