The work of Baran (1957 ) and Baran-Sweezy ( 1966 ), written
during the post-war period of prosperity, dealt extensively
with the counteracting factors. They stressed in particular
the importance of sales cost and of public spending but
played down the effect of innovations on investment.
Starting from a similar mixture of strands but more specifically
from Kajbeckian economics Steindl ( 1952 ) asked what
consequences the shift of capitalism from competition to
oligopoly near the turn of the century might have had.
He chose the U.S. because it seemed more nearly a closed
and private system.
Steindl saw the function of competition in the elimination
or prevention of excess capacity. Excess capacity had two
effects: It discouraged investment; and it increased
competitive pressure since everybody wanted to gain room
at the expense of his competitors. This could succeed ony
in the long run by squeezing some of the capacity out of
the market. The procedure involved a simultaneous squeezing
of the profit margin ( measured at normal utilisation of
capacity ). Restauration of a normal degree of utilisation
had to go hand in hand with restauration of a normal profit
Here a link between distribution and the process of investment
was established which so far had been missing: In Kalecki's
system the utilisation of capacity played a purely
passive role while here it was regarded as an important
determinant of investment, independently of its influence
on profits so that in two cases with the same rate of profit
but with different utilisation the investment would be larger
with the higher utilisation.
The distribution theory implied in this mechanism of