Strigl was an excellent and inspiring teacher, also
for those who could not follow his opinions. He was able
to show to students accustomed to descriptive economics
the usefulness of theoretical analysis in dealing with
the economic policy questions of the day. The importance of
his teaching has to be judged against the background of
the romantic-nationalist and thoroughly anti-rational
trends of thought which prevailed in Austrian Universities
in the inter-war period.
Robbins,L.(1932)Essay on the Nature and Significance of
Economic Science. London,Macmillan t Rprint:London 1984
Strigl,R. (1923). Die ftkonomischen Kategorien und die Organisatio
der Wirtschaft. Gustav Fischer, Jena.
Strigl, R.( 1926). Angewandte Lohntheorie. Untersuchungen
uber die wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen
der Sozialpolitik. Leipzig und Wien,Deutike.
Strigl, R.von (1934). Kapital und Produktion.
Wien, Julius Springer.