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A fourth element is the vast increase in public spending and
taxation as a proportion of Gross National Product,
which in most industrial countries now ranges between
40 and 5o p.c.. This increase has no doubt been a major
factor in the political backlash against the welfare state.
The increased taxation takes the edge off the incentive
for enterprise and work; to prop up the weakening
investment ( weakening not necessarily for this reason )
governments have^Mais more and more tax relief and subsidies
ijfo business. Indirect taxation and taxation of mass incomes
have been the main sources of finance for the increased
welfare expenditure in many countries, which tended to
give the budget an^ inflationary bias.
The increased marginal taxation has acted as automatic
stabiliser; paradoxically enough -in view of the complaints
of business based on the incentive effect of these taxes-
the automatic stabilisation has mitigated the effects of
recession especially those on business profits, because
the budget has acted like a cushion in taking the brunt of
the income loss. At the same time the protection of the
unemployed against income loss has blunted the edge of thelT
opposition against recession policies. The welfare state
has thus - an irony of history - in more than one way
facilitated a policy which involves the toleration of
Of the criticism of welfare spending two points may be mentione
The provision of various services has taken littel account
of the need for effiency and productivity. An example
valid in most countries, might be hospital service. This
"industry" seems to have lacked planning and causes
uncontrollable cost inreases.