Therefore the main arguments of Chapter III retain their place
in this book, although the conclusions drawn are not relevant.
(This is also true of my - in any case unfortunate - argument
that economising capital is not important as long as there
is unemployment). Indeed, that the profit rate should decline
in the highest size classes (taking it as a fact, although
the evidence may not be wholly conclusive) could be explained
by reasons more convincing than a supposed tendency for
capital-output ratio to rise. The first of these reasons is
the safety preference of the large concerns. Since they are
less indebted than smaller firms their net profit rate
on the average can be expected to be lower. The safety pre
ference can also bring about similar effects in other ways.
If the integration of sources of raw materials and power is
motivated only by the wish to reduce risks, and yields less
than the average profit rate of the firm, then we might inter
pret this as a case of "buying safety" which is fully analogous
to the reduction in debt. Thus the high apparent capital-
output ratios of Table IX (see above) may indeed contribute
to the explanation of falling profit rate (unless the raw
material investments as happens often in backward countries,
are very profitable), but the interpretation of this is quite
different from the argument of Chapter III.
9) It is true that large firms issue more bonds than small
firms which have no access to the capital market, but the
total indebtedness is larger for the smaller firm.