-scaled of
where x denotes /capacity, a a constant and b the so-called
scale factor which according to the above reasoning should
be around 2/3; in practice it takes different values for
different kind of plant, in most cases rather lower than
one, the difference indicating the amount of the economies
of scale. The scale factor b is much used in practice by
engineers making estimates of the cost of equipment.
According to the engineering data, automation also decreases the
capital coefficient, increasing at the same time the scale
of production. This is partly explained by continuous running
in three shifts, but more basically by the continuity of
utilisation inherent in the technique itself.
All this is not to say that the capital-coefficient never
increases with size. In fact, there are cases when it must
so increase: for example large units (of presses etc.) are
used even though they increase the capital coefficient and
yield a lower return on most ordinary jobs, because certain
jobs cannot be performed at all without the very large equipment.
Again, the capital-coefficient will depend inter alia on
prices of equipment and wages. In development countries where
modern large scale equipment is imported the price relations
may cause the capital coefficient to be quite different from
what has been quoted above. In advanced countries, however,
3) This may partly explain data given by A.K.Sen: Choice of
Techniques. Oxford 1960 (Appendix C) and G.K. Boon:
Economic Choice of Human and Physical Factors in Production.
Amsterdam 1964.