Kowalik Vortrag Notes.
Balzerowicz when he announced his reforms said the stabilisation would
take 1/2 year, the restructuring 2 years.
The recession was deliberately engineered. Balz. said he needed the
recession for restructuring and privatisation.He was inspired by
"creative destruction" (Schumpeter). But, Kowalik says, this was creative
destruction by the state, a new kind of etatistic liberalism. Industry
was systematically deprived of funds needed for even small investments
and repairs: 90 % of gross profits of industry were taken out by the
state. Consumption in 1990 was reduced by 28 % ( data based on a regular
household survey embracing 40 000 families ). Thus there was
decapitalisation of both enterprises and households.
The privatisation had started already under the last two communist
governments. This was the enfranchisement of the nomenclature. They
bought the undervalued assets.
After the change in regime the nomenclature were different people -
connected with the Solidarity -but the principle was the same. It was a
privatisation of the public sphere - of the state. Walesa said we
never had such corruption in all the Polish history and if you consider
that the state property was 80% of the national wealth this may not be
Since 1981 we have had the self management movement, rather a kind of
participation. This was deliberately dismantled. The 200 enterprises
which had been managed in this way did not show any improvement in
efficiency after they were returned to former status.
400 enterprises found prospective buyers but half of them withdrew. Ideas
to hire foreign managers (banks etc) to run the holdings of industry.
Government kept saying there is no alternative. There is growing
nostalgia for the communist past.
Kowalik pleads for a negogiated economy.
Germany needed 10 years to restructure their war industry.
The present inflation is still 78% per annum. The cost of the whole
business has been excessive.