Here again, however, the price maker’s excess demand for labor does
not necessarily lead him to create a sellers f market for labor. On the
analogy of product markets, one is tempted to argue that just as the
price-maker seller can look to foreign markets as an outlet for his excess
supply instead of incurring the cost of persuading the domestic public, to
buy more from him, so the price-maker employer can also look to importing
unemployed low-wage foreign workers and so satisfy his excess demand for
labor without the expense of pampering his domestic workforce with fringe
benefits. Slavery in America’s past, the toleration of the illegal entry
of Mexican workers in America’s present, and the admission of foreign
guest workers to just about every advanced industrial country during the
postwar period are the obvious examples.
I believe, hovrever, that there is also a more general factor that
militates against employers’ being motivated to establish pension plans
and other fringe benefits for labor by the profit motive (rather than by
union pressure) and that is unemployment. As long as the employer can
get additional workers for the asking, it is not in his interest.to incur
the cost of offering fringe benefits — unless he wants to get and keep the
best ^workers and ensure the loyalty and stability of his vrorkforce. For
labor is one of the most highly substitutable commodities, which means that
the availability of labor in one field soon spills over into other fields
in the absence of artificial restraints on entry into those other fields.
Accordingly, nonwage competition with its fringe benefits for labor is not
likely to be engaged in by isolated price-maker employers in the presence
of unemployment in the rest of the economy.