although the model
I have said next A nothing about prices, although the model is
useful, and I have used it for showing the asymmetrical flexibility
of prices and the inflationary transmission of price changes from the
input to the output side. But I should like to stop here and spend th
rest of my time to relate the model to the standard approach and
discuss a practical proposal for recapturing some of the
lost advantages of pure capitalism their accompanying drawbacks.
First of all, however, I must fill a gap I left open and discuss those
Having discussed all the benefits that the exploited price takers get
out of being exploited, it is high time that I should also say something
about the drawbacks of being exploited. I have nothing new to say r however,
on the redistributional effect of monopoly and monopsony power, and merely
want to recall that it can be limited either by competition among the
monopolists and monopsonists/or by the countervailing power of monopsonists
and monopolists on the other side of the market. Its importance is hard to
assess in quantitative terms; but it is worth noting that in the United
Kingdom, which is the only country with reliable statistics on income
distribution that go back in time to ’well over a century, the share of capital
in the part of the GNP generated by the private sector has been almost halved,
having fallen from a little less than half of the private-sector GNP in the
l8pOs to abount one quarter by the IpSOs. From all I know about the trend
of industrial concentration, I would attribute most of that fall to the
gradual increase of labor's countervailing power, exerted not only by unions
but. also on the political level and, most important perhaps, by the