profitability of expansion is immediate and certain, the consequent threat
of wage demands is remote and uncertain. That seems to tilt the balance in
favor of expansion, to judge by Japan's excellent employment record, labor's
many fringe benefits and harmonious labor relations.
* I
In lieu of a summary, let me close by stating the theme on which |
I elaborated and played variations. The theme was that in a
capitalist economy, the capitalists' profits serve as a buffer that
absorbs shocks to the economy and cushionstheir effect on the
employment and incomes of the economy's other members. The larger
the profits, the more effective they are as a buffer; and the limitation
of profits as a source of income also diminishes their effectiveness
as a buffer. The compromise solution that limits capital's share
in income while maintaining the cushioning effect of profits is
profit sharing between labor and capital.
Oxford, November 1983
Tibor Scitovsky