lost in importance since his time, the decrease in importance of agricultural
rent having been compensated by an increased importance of urban rent. Marx and
other economists denied the importance of rent since, they argued, rent and
profit, capital and land, could in practice not easily be distinguished. But the
above analysis shows that there is a conceptual difference between them which is
quite important.
The exclusion of the capital gains from the national accounts has led to glaring
misinterpretations of the data. If households finance consumption by means of
realised capital gains this appears in the accounts as a reduction of personal
saving. If corporations use such gains to pay more dividends then the accounts
show a reduction in retained profits. The distortion of the savings rate which
has been caused by the stock exchange boom in the middle of the 80s in
connection with the pension funds has been dealt with in an earlier paper (
Steindl 1990 ).
The capital gains do not arise in the circular flow of production and incomes,
they occupy a special position in the accounts.
They are not income as far as their origin is concerned, and yet they are able
to fulfill the functions of income: They can be used for consumption or for real
investment or failing that forO investment in financial instruments. In this
ambiguous position they ressemble consumer's credit which also comes from
outside the circulation and can fulfill all the functions of income: Consumption
and investment. This position is truthfully reflected if we introduce separate
accounts for both capital gains and consumer's credit. We have then a
CONSUMPTION - INCOME ACCOUNT which shows the various ways in which consumption
is financed: From incomes, from consumer's credit and from realised capital
gains of households. The balance of these items is saving gross of consumer's
credit and realised capital gains; we do not consider depreciation of dwelling
houses in view of the criticism which can be justly levied against it (Scitovsky
1986 ) so that the personal saving is in any case gross of depreciation.
The consumer's credit is charged against an account CONSUMERS CREDIT, while the
capital gains of households are charged against an account REALISED CAPITAL
GAINS. This last mentioned account absorbs capital gains both from corporations
and from households; they are derived from the respective separate accounts.In