easily think of examples in Britain or Germany ) derive
a great part of th-eir profits from financial and real
estate business.Financial investment has played an increasing
role in comparison with real investment. More recently the
monetarist policy of Britain and the U.S. Has reinforced
the tendency of industrial firms to Convert themselves
into rentiers and speculators.
These structural changes in the organisation of business
are capable of explainign a weakening of the incentive
to invest. Maturity, in this perspective, has taken on
far as it has taken hold of the internal
organisation of the concerns and the character and strategy
of their managers.
While the dege neration described has been proceeding
gradually through the years, the change in economic climate
which took place within a few years has been precipitated
by a number of events.
The most important has been the breakdown of econcomic
international cooperation. The first clear signal of this
occured when the U.S. went off gold, and two years later
the exchange rates were given free rein. This created
expectation or fear of inflation and led to violent speculation
in gold and commodities ( Kaldor ). This culminated finally
in the first oil shock. To a very large extent the world
inflation was the consequence of this disarray.
The exchange rates have been chaotic since, dominatecjby
capital movements rather than price or cost relations.
The fact that there was in all those years not a single