only one who wants it." are indeed unusual. Similarly, "It
recognizes and likes me." is unusual in that it is the only
criterion that requires the owned object to be animate. The
items identified as poorly worded were deemed to represent
unusual claims rather than unclear claims. As a result of
this pilot, only the example expression of Identity was
modified to read, "It is part of me."
The scaling responses were standardized for each
subject in both tasks. For the task of judging individual
criteria on a 9 point scale, the criteria were rank ordered
from most valued to least valued on the basis of mean
standardized judgements. For the dominance scaling task, a
dominance coefficient was calculated, representing the
dominance, both positive and negative, of each criterion
against each of the others. The range of the dominance
coefficient was +5 to -5, with 0 having a neutral value.
Criteria were rank ordered on the basis of this dominance
coefficients. The correlation of the two rank orderings was
r = .86 (p < .0l). The criteria, rank ordered by both
judgement schemes, were as follows: