Appendix C
Pilot Study 2: Selecting Criteria
Purpose: Forty criteria were too many stimuli to manage
and adequately examine in a single recall study. Also, most
of the 40 criteria compiled would be irrelevent to the
general population, and it would be inefficient and
unreasonable to have subjects respond to such criteria. For
example, few members of the general public, if any, would be
able to claim ownership of some object on the basis of a
state decree or on the basis of having a vision about it.
If the things designated by a criterion formed a null set,
or a very small set, then it would not be possible to
apportion the members of that set to owned and not owned
Method: Twenty-two non-academic employees of the
university completed a questionnaire asking them to estimate
the number of items they could list for each criteria, e.g.
CRAFTING: How many things cold you list that you made?
Responses were made on a four category scale: "None", "A
Few", "Many", "A Great Many". Each subject received a
unique randomized ordering of the 40 criteria.
Results: A decision rule was made to elmiminate those
criteria for which 30% or more of the subjects estimated