representative of the general population. Operationally,
the target population to be sampled was the employees of two
local institutions: Queen's University and The Empire Life
Insurance Corporation. University academic staff were
excluded. Since Hobart (1975) had found significant sex
differences in ownership extension among married couples,
both females and males were to be represented equally in the
sample. The goal was to have 120 subjects (60 females, 60
males) complete the research questionnaire.
Subjects were selected in three ways. Empire Life
Insurance employees were solicited by a notice in a company
newsletter, which had a circulation of about 220. Queen's
employees were solicited by approaching them in their work
places and lounge areas. This was recommended by the office
of Personnel Services, since part-time and contract -
employees would not appear on personnel manifests. Finally,
to obtain the target number of subjects and the target sex
~alance, 26 male Queen's employees were solicited by phone
in their work places, by a randomized selection process
using the university telephone directory.
During the solicitation process, subjects were told the
topic of the study. In addition, many insisted on seeing
the questionnaire before deciding to participate or not. of
the approximately 425 people solicited, 189 agreed to