for owned things (p = .85) nor for things not owned (p =
.78). There were also no differences on the mean recall
postions of category membership for owned things (p = .30)
nor for things not owned (p = .36). Since the null
hypothesis of no differences between the recall listings of
the experimenter-present group and the experimenter-absent
group appears warranted, in all subsequent analyses the data
of the two groups were combined.
Tabulation of Exemplars
In psychological studies of semantics using free
recall, the recall items themselves have been tabulated and
displayed as results for subsequent discussion (Battig &
Montague, 1946). Typically, the recall items are rank
ordered by frequency of occurrence and may be presented
along with recall position information. A computer program
was developed in WBASIC to count the frequency of occurrence
and to calculate the mean and standard deviation of the
recall position for each recall item. Tables 2 and 3 show
the exemplars of things owned and things not owned that had
frequencies of occurrence of 10 or more, representing in
both cases, 670 items, or 56% of the total 1200 recall items
in each listing. (Appendices H and I have the complete
listings.) Similar tabulations were made for the 72
i ies for
exemplar categories. The rank ordering of categorie
owned things with at least 10 listings appears in Table 4