territorial exemplars. However, this appears not to be the
case, since the small but stataistically significant
correlation between the two recall listings remained even
when items in the 11 territorial categories were deleted.
In a recent sociological study of family structure and
the perception of 'special' domestic objects
(Csikszentmihalyi & Roshberg-Halton, 1981), the types of
objects most frequently identified as 'special' by the 315
interviewed subjects were, in order from most frequent to
least: Furniture, Visual Art, Sculpture, Photos, Books,
Musical Instruments, Stereos, TV, Plates, Appliances,
Collections, Plants, ‘Bed, Glass, and Sports Equipment. Of
these, the art and tableware categories were relatively rare
in the present study's listings of things owned and not
owned. But the other types of {Gums were common in both
recall listings. The appearance of these items in both
studies suggests that some criterion of 'special' was
influencing the recall tasks. This might seem to represent
a frequency effect. Zajonc (1968) has reviewed evidence
that frequent exposure to a stimulus can result in an
enhanced attitude towards it. However, in the present
study, such commonly encountered items as telephones,
knives, coat, purse and cups were each listed only once.
Also, a criterion of size does appear to account for