Full text: Semantics of ownership

these 'special' items to a some small degree. Size would be 
a composite variable, presumably representive of cost, 
durability, and social prestige as well. The broad post hoc 
measure of size had a small but significant relationship to 
both the recall listings, as well as to whe relationship of 
the two listings to each other. Subjects tended to list 
large items, more so for citings not owned. The 
relationships of item size to recall listings remaind even 
with items in territorial categories were removed. About 
11% of the relationship between the two recall listings was 
due to the effect of size, and this decreased to 6.5% with 
the territorial items deleted. Finally, the size measure 
was predictive of recall order, with larger items being 
listed earlier in the recall listings of both the owned 
things and the things not owned. With territorial items 
deleted, the relationship of size to recall position 
decreased for both recall listings. Thus, there was a 
slight tendency to list territorial items earlier in both 
recall tasks, and subjects listed larger items earlier in 
both tasks. About 9% of the shared variance in the two 
-call tasks was due to the tendency to list larger items. 
Thus, a preference for listing Larger items accounted for 
about half of the common qualities in the two recall tasks. 
Recall Strategies 
The common qualities of the two recall lists can also .

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