Full text: Semantics of ownership

but even gives us an affection for it, and makes us 
prefer it to other objects which may be more valuable, 
but are less well known to us. What has long lain 
under our eye and has often been employed to our 
advantage, that we are always most unwilling to part 
with; but can easily live without possessions which we 
never have enjoyed and are not accustomed to. It is 
evident, therefore, that men would easily acquiesce in 
this expedient that every one continue to enjoy what 
he is at present possessed of. (p.71) 
Hume's argument is that a natural orientation towards 
familiarity and utility leads to a general rule of 
maintaining possession, which in turn leads to other 
criteria of ownership. 
The second conclusion is that the implicit and explicit 
judgement tasks did result in different valuations of the 
intensional criteria. As examined by the implicit methods, 
ownership did not entail Crafting and Gift. But by the 
explicit methods, the Means of Acquisition criteria were 
judged as 'strong' or 'very strong' arguments for owning 
something. In comparison, all other criteria were judged to 
be 'weak' or ‘very weak'. Such criteria as Familiarity and 
Utility were ranked at the bottom. In the face of such an 
apparent difference of valuation of criteria, it should be 
noted that there was agreement between the implicit and 
explicit modes on the relative low value for Desire. 
Therefore, it can be said that ownership does not entail 
Desire, no matter how the topic is examined. | Even in the 
studies by Rapoport & Fillenbaum (1972), "want" was quite 
distant from "own". Finally, there was some agreement in

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