> 2
that Possession, Assertion and Territoriality were the most
highly valued of the criteria, if the acquisition criteria
were discounted.
The concern is why means of acquisition are so highly
valued when explicit judgements about ownership are involved
but not with implicit judgements. By way of speculation, it
may be that explicit judgements are concerned with disputed
claims of ownership, whereas with the implicit tasks used
here, no ownership disputes were introduced. Roth & Shoben
(1983) have shown that context has a marked effect on
semantic structure. The explicit Judgeneals may be
reflecting concerns with the quality of evidence in the
context of an ownership dispute. Means of acquisition are
concerned with past situations, historical events which can
be disputed via records and witnesses. Criteria involving
present situations, such as Possession and Territoriality,
cannot be readily disputed. An object is possessed or it is
not. So when ownership disputes do arise, one party or the
other will place the point of dispute in the past, where the
issue will be the legitimacy of the means of acquisition of
the object. By this line of reasoning, Possession would be
the root criterion of ownership. Means of Acquisition are
valued because disputes concerning possession must be
transformed to the past to disputes concerning the origins
of possession.