A few subjects did list intangible items and a few used a
recall strategy of listing unownable items. These tended to
be natural phenomena, events that cannot be possessed,
defended, contained, or controlled. Such characteristics as
these might be criteria for ownability. However, the
recognition that people cannot be owned suggests that
controllability may be the critical criteria for entry in
the domain of ownable events and objects. In any case, the
full extension of the domain of ownable events ‘and objects,
as well as the exact intensional criteria, have yet to be
Second, the dominance of the Social Defensive criteria
in the recall tasks suggests that it is appropriate to allow
emphasis of the interpersonal aspects of ownership. The
defensive stance represents an ownership orientation
directed towards other people, more than towards the owned
object. However, ownership also does appear to entail
relationships between the owner and his property. The
Favored Objects criteria and the Regular Acquisitions
criteria were both highly rated by their respective
judgement schemes. | In the framework, this would require
that the OWAEE be a member of the set of potential users.
rhe thesis did indicate several inadequacies in the
framework of ownership. Most noteworthy of these is its