Full text: Semantics of ownership

inability to represent means of acquisition as important 
characteristics of ownership. Apparently, an adequate 
semantic intension of ownership must be able to make 
reference to means of acquisition. By Miller's (1978) 
notion of intension quoted earlier, the intension of "own" 
in the well formed sentence, "I own X," requires for both 
the Means of Acquisition criteria and the Regular 
Acquisitions criteria that reference be made to the 
historical acquisition relationship between the subject and 
the object. Clearly, for the present framework to become a 
proper model of ownership, modifications and further 
empirical research will be necessary. 
Finally, the. present study was designed by and 
responded to by representatives of one culture. If the 
framework of ownership developed here is to become ‘a model 
of ownership with universal applicability, many more 
cultures will have to be examined. Rohner (1975) has 
described a universalist approach to behavioral sciences, an 
approach that might be useful for the present topic. He 
advocates a triangulaton of methodologies if pan-cultural 
generalizations are the ultimate goal. A survey of 
ownership behaviors in a selected sample of cultures could 
be accumplished through the Human Relations Areas Files 
(Levinson & Malone, 1980). These are an indexation of 
numerous anthropological ethnographies. Levinson & Malone

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